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PVC Math 8 Assignments

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Classwork 6-5-20

All assignments have been posted to Aeries.
1. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
2. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
3. The last day to turn in any work and let Ms. Ross know on TEAMS is TODAY by 3pm. 


Classwork and HW 6-4-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.4c Algebra Notes – Absolute Value Equations (attached below).

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EWtDqf5f1iZLvylz0ATO9DkBWaQFfCIWPZQRZtbTWNhoAA?e=dU65rx

  1. Complete: Algebra Section 1.4 #37, 41-43 (submit online)
  2. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
  3. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
  4. The last day to turn in any work (on-time work, late work, or make-up work) is this Friday, June 5, 2020.


Classwork and HW 6-3-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.4b Algebra Notes – Absolute Value Equations (attached below). NOTE: Watch only from 0:00 to 9:52 and 14:37 to 19:32. (Ms. Ross made a mistake in the middle, which is why you should skip it)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EU6cP17b_nBJnfTa65G08agBHHLIjzDfP2FyV6k5M-Gbkg?e=OnR5xP

  1. Complete: Algebra Section 1.4 #21-24 (submit online)
  2. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
  3. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
  4. The last day to turn in any work (on-time work, late work, or make-up work) is this Friday, June 5, 2020.


Classwork and HW 6-2-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.4a Algebra Notes – Absolute Value Equations (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EVcCJD8Urs1OqW_ZjlBS5UEBrAAxDFTKQ5y7dt8GtOrh6A?e=Dl0l6r

  1. Complete: Algebra Section 1.4 #11, 12, 15, 16 (submit online)
  2. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
  3. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
  4. The last day to turn in any work (on-time work, late work, or make-up work) is this Friday, June 5, 2020.


Classwork 6-1-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.3b Algebra Notes – Variables on Both Sides (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/ESqxBcvFFFZMvU-zUFCGwmcBMxxWe3AQ832vckJ6k0G9Ng?e=Epew4A

  1. Complete: Algebra Section 1.3 #27 and 28 (submit online)
  2. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
  3. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
  4. The last day to turn in any work (on-time work, late work, or make-up work) is this Friday, June 5, 2020.


Classwork 5-29-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.3a Algebra Notes – Variables on Both Sides (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EY2HiNwfvmxKlf80vfKOIWEBkFwxvO8E1rEIOMjXwpXxRg?e=QHlUec

  1. Complete: Algebra Section 1.3 #14, 16, 22, 23, 24 (submit online)


Classwork 5-28-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.2b Algebra Notes – Multi Step Word Problems (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EWyoujkiBPBIuUpgi_Op_Q8BUS5Pc1wOXdkHXjxYRLHecw?e=rdzK7x  

  1. Complete HW: Algebra Section 1.2 #15, 16, 36, 43, 44 (submit online)


Classwork 5-27-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling in 8R 1.2 Algebra Notes – Multi Step Equations (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EQPO07c2sitCjO6J6FzFHEABK8KLjccaqDfeb-b9z_FKnA?e=aLZOfp

  1. Complete HW: Algebra Section 1.2 #13, 14, 18, 20, 22 (submit online)


Classwork 5-26-20

1. Check Aeries to see if you have any missing assignments.
2. If you resubmit or turn in any late assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS so that she knows to re-check the assignment. Make sure you type what the assignment was called on Aeries. 


Classwork 5-22-20

  1. Complete Section 9.3 Check for Understanding on Microsoft 365. You have up to 30 minutes to complete it. The link will be available from 8am to 3pm today.

Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeSPpABGPDK1Akk1lLt57YGhUQkZKS0s2VVJWOTRDT0ZCMDBZQlJVNzJEUi4u


Classwork and HW 5-21-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling out 8R 9.3c Notes – Two Way Tables (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EUkZPeBCwKlKvNUXtX4BxygBKTLRu1Db58a7G6Qle6n3aw?e=fWxkjj

  1. Complete HW: TB391 #10, 11 (submit online)
  2. Be ready to take a Check For Understanding on Section 9.3 tomorrow.


Classwork 5-20-20


Classwork 5-19-20


Classwork 5-18-20

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.


**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork today 😊**


Classwork 5-15-20

  1. Complete Section 9.2 Check for Understanding on Microsoft 365. You have up to 30 minutes to complete it. The link will be available from 8am to 3pm today.


Classwork and HW 5-14-20

  1. Watch Big Ideas Chapter 9, Section 9.2, Example 1 while filling out 8R 9.2c BigIdeas Video Notes (attached below)
  2. Complete HW: Ch 9.1-9.2 Quiz (on BigIdeas only)
    1. Skip #5, 6, and 10
    2. You must earn at least 50% on this quiz in order to get full homework credit. Although this is called a quiz on BigIdeas, it is only a homework assignment that is worth 2 points.
    3. Be ready to take a 10 point Check for Understanding on section 9.2 tomorrow.


Classwork and HW 5-13-20


Classwork and HW 5-12-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling out BigIdeas 9.2 Assignment (TB382 #4, 5, 6)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EbfGjlvhKstCl9apgCr0x4oBEdt1-iqtN2nMkheZKXvt4g?e=6Dh4Qj

  1. Finish the assignment and submit. If you do not earn full credit on #4 and 5, you will not be able to resubmit.


Classwork 5-11-20

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.
**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork today 😊**


Classwork 5-8-20

  1. Complete 9.1 Check (link below). You will be able to access this check from 8am to 3pm, and you will lose points if you take longer than 30 minutes to complete it.

Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeSPpABGPDK1Akk1lLt57YGhUMFpYOVdBWjJSNTBIVUhMU09aOVBRMldaOC4u


Classwork and HW 5-7-20

  1. Watch 8R 9.1c Ross Video Notes (link below) while filling in 8R 9.1c Notes

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/ER-wdsZ6VRpNkXKjShazRb0BuoUzDvMBcTXuRTi-OI6_Ww?e=O9rCKg

  1. Complete HW: TB376 #2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 (submit online)


Classwork and HW 5-6-20


Classwork 5-5-20

  1. Watch “How to direct message on TEAMS” video (link below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EWtnhKwPmPVHkdx4urxGROQBAfiX0jmptE9eV6Mx6VXvew?e=xs6Ua8

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.

**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork or homework today 😊


Classwork and HW 5-4-20

  1. Watch BigIdeas video for section 9.1 example 1 while filling out 8R 9.1a BigIdeas Videos Handout (attached below).
  2. Complete HW: TB376 #8 and 9 (submit online) (Note: we have not yet covered “describing relationships,” so for 8c, select negative linear. For 9c, select positive linear).


Classwork 5-1-20

  1. Complete yesterday's textbook assignment on BigIdeas (Ms. Ross forgot to post it until 3:30pm yesterday)
  2. Complete Check #4 (link below). You have up to 30 minutes to complete this check, and it will be open from 8am to 3pm.



Classwork and HW 4-30-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling out 8R 10.6b Ross Video Notes Handout (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/Een2Zz8-cq1Erb4rrVkWt_MBOk8eINfhmWdXJaZfhThm2w?e=g1MvJ1

  1. Complete HW: TB446 #16, 18, 24, 26, 27 (submit online)


Classwork and HW 4-29-20

  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) while filling out 8R 10.6a Ross Video Notes Handout (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/ESuqdHjzqGlLuJZ-Rs5olIwBEPDu-gY1dOLoh5svmFWBpA?e=ZLmYTj

  1. Complete HW: TB446 #3-11 all (submit online)


Classwork and HW 4-28-20

  1. Watch BigIdeas videos for 10.5 examples 1, 2, and 3 while filling out 8R 10.5a BigIdeas Video Notes (attached below).
  2. Complete HW: TB440 #6-20 even, 33-35 all (submit online)


Classwork for 4/27/20

1. Check if you have any missing or resubmit-able assignments on Aeries.
2. Check if Ms. Ross messaged you on TEAMS about any make up assignments.
3. Log into BigIdeas and submit or resubmit any overdue assignments on BigIdeas.
4. Message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you submit or resubmit any missing assignments.


Classwork 4/24/20


Classwork for 4-23-20

  1. Watch BigIdeas Videos in section 10.4 examples 1 and 2 while filling out 8R 10.4d BigIdeas Videos Notes Handout (attached below).
  2. Complete HW: TB456 #10-21 all (submit online)
  3. Be ready to take a Check on 10.3c through 10.4d tomorrow.



  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) and fill out 8R 10.4c Ross Video Notes Handout (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EXxUUMv8KFdJqSui-o0CBDkBfWGUBQM9sITJN0wonHvDDQ?e=MmCNCg

  1. Complete HW: TB432 #13, 20-27 all (submit online)



  1. Look over the new Online Live Help Schedule (remember, you are not required to be online during these sessions).
  2. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) and fill out 8R 10.4b Ross Video Notes Handout (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EYH1LtC0wtRLrSWt2-6AlscBWX0mduQSP9ZxuVXG7ulYHg?e=WIUdJP

     3. Complete HW: TB432 #5, 7, 8, 10, 16 (submit online)



  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s video (link below) and fill out 8R 10.4a Ross Video Notes Handout (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EQNRfSW3EGpNh3B7azIovWUBCe0-3oOoQH9UOJhzf7WDGg?e=uK4bJq

  1. Complete HW: TB432 #9, 11, 12, 14, 37, 38, 39 (submit online)



1. Watch Ms. Ross's video (link below) while filling out 8R 10.3c Ross Video Notes handout (attached below)
2. Complete HW: TB427 #23-28 all (submit online) - watch video on Teams if you forget how to create exponents on BigIdeas
3. Be ready to take Ch 10 Check #2 tomorrow (on sections 10.2 and 10.3) 



  1. Watch BigIdeas Videos for section 10.3 Examples 2 and 3 while filling out 8R 10.3b BigIdeas Video Handout (attached below)
  2. Complete HW: TB426 #16-21 (submit online)



  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s 10.3a Video (see link below) and fill out 8R 10.3a Ross Video Handout (see attached).

Video: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EXcb1DkbNQBEjsUzlyOT31wBFHJUvTeYFT1iaNSf9TwVoQ?e=xWq8cf 


  1. Complete HW: TB426 #4-14 even, 33-37 all (submit online)



  1. Watch Ms. Ross’s 10.2c Video (see link below) and fill out 10R 10.2c Ross Video Handout (see attached).

Video: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EQdkKFcEN_xHm5mDdGo6TGkBwZxFmPOX8Cs09J-Aw_leOA?e=8nyGq9

  1. Complete HW: TB420 #17-22 all (submit online)



Complete Chapter 10 Check #1 (link below). This check will be available between 8am and 3pm today. You can spend up to 30 minutes on the quiz.



  1. Watch the BigIdeasMath video for section 10.2 Example 2 only while filling out 8R 10.2b BigIdeas Videos Handout (attached below)
  2. Complete HW on BigIdeasMath: TB420 #11-14 (submit online)



8R Classwork and homework for 4/8/20:

  1. Watch the video (link shown) while filling out 8R 10.2a Ross Video Notes (attached below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EfU8SaelUzlAknFBgYMiaMUBHzx8i4-GYLy8Ru-FEaVM3Q?e=uhezOV


  1. Complete HW on BigIdeasMath: TB420 #4, 6, 7, 9, 10 (submit online)



  1. Watch all Big Ideas videos for section 10.1 while filling out 8R 10.1 BigIdeas Video Handout (attached below). See instructions for accessing BigIdeas videos (attached below) if you forgot how to find them.
  2. Complete HW on BigIdeasMath: TB414 #1, 8, 15, 25, 33 (submit online)



  1. Look over the Teams Online Live Help Schedule (attached below)
  2. Watch the video (link shown) while filling out 8R 10.1 Ross Video Notes (attached below)



  1. Complete HW on BigIdeasMath: TB414 #6, 10, 12, 22, 24 (submit online)



8R Classwork for 3/27/20:

  1. Check your grades on Aeries and cross reference any missing grades with the assignments from the Online Assignments document (attached below). Complete any missing assignments or assignments where you lost points. Email Ms. Ross when you resubmit anything, so she knows to update your grade.
  2. Explore and play around with Microsoft Teams. Follow the directions below to access Teams. We may use Teams more when we return from Spring Break.
    1. Log into portal.pvpusd.net
    2. Find the Teams app
    3. Explore the Posts and Assignments tabs



8R Classwork and homework for 3/26/20:

  1. Complete 6.5 Check for Understanding using the link below. You may only spend 30 minutes on this check, or else you will lose points. This check will only be available between 8am and 3pm. 
  2. On BigIdeasMath, check if you have any assignments in the Overdue Tab. If you do, be sure to resubmit using the hints from the attachments below. Remember – you need to resubmit if you skipped any problems or if you earned less than the required % on the assignment.



8R Classwork and homework for 3/25/20:

  1. Print out 8R 6.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Ross Video Handout-p. 3. Fill out the four examples while watching the corresponding video (When you click on the link, you will need to log into your Microsoft 365 account). Here is the video link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EVap7awLKJtHmYB4mC0LLG4Bk6Z4YLRaPMhHOwQXb9oikw?e=ll45DQ
  2. Complete homework on paper and on BigIdeasMath: TB281 #12-15 all (submit online)
  3. Be ready to take a Check for Understanding on section 6.5 tomorrow



8R Classwork and homework for 3/24/20:

*Note about today's video: click on the link right away so it has time to load while you find your reference sheet and print today's handout.

  1. Take out 8R 6.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Reference Sheet and use while completing #2.
  2. Print 8R 6.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Ross Video Handout (see attachment below) and fill out while watching the corresponding video (When you click on the link, you will need to log into your Microsoft 365 account). Here is the video link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EXfttUMiSTFHsC76kRkQQKkBJ8KJ3d1B2TaTFJLauJSggw?e=EzC0oP
  3. Complete homework on paper and on BigIdeasMath: TB276 #11-13, 17, 18, 23 (submit online)
  4. Check that you have completed all the assignments that are currently graded on Aeries.
    1. Check your Overdue tab on BigIdeasMath and submit anything that was due last week.
    2. If you did not receive credit for 6.4 Puzzle Time (because you never did it, you skipped a problem, or you earned less than 70%), there is a make-up assignment on section 6.4 that you can do to earn those points.
    3. If you do not like your score on the Desmos Activity, you can go back to it using the same access code (JN49BF) and redo the activity. When you type in your name, put a 2 at the end so Ms. Ross knows it is attempt #2 (ie “Megan Ross – 2”). If you do not know why you lost points, email Ms. Ross, and she will tell you which slides to redo.



8R Classwork and homework for 3/23/20:

  1. Print and look over 8R 6.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Reference Sheet (see attachment below)
  2. Print 8R 6.5 Analyzing and Sketching Graphs Video Handout (see attachment below) and fill out while watching the corresponding videos on BigIdeasMath.
  3. Complete homework on paper and on BigIdeasMath: TB276 #1-10, 22 (submit online)
  4. Check that you have completed all the assignments that are currently graded on Aeries.
    1. Check your Overdue tab on BigIdeasMath and submit anything that was due last week.
    2. If you did not receive credit for 6.4 Puzzle Time (because you never did it, you skipped a problem, or you earned less than 70%), there is a make-up assignment on section 6.4 that you can do to earn those points.
    3. If you do not like your score on the Desmos Activity, you can go back to it using the same access code (JN49BF) and redo the activity. When you type in your name, put a 2 at the end so Ms. Ross knows it is attempt #2 (ie “Megan Ross – 2”). If you do not know why you lost points, email Ms. Ross, and she will tell you which slides to redo.



Classwork for 3/20/20:
1. Follow this link to complete 6.4 Check for Understanding. Once you click on the link, you must sign in to Microsoft 365. You will only have 30 minutes to complete these 10 questions. Keep track of your time. Ms. Ross will be able to see how long it takes you to complete this assignment, and if it take you longer, you will lose points (This assignment is like a pop quiz. The work you do on this assignment must only be your own. See the 8R Online Instruction - List of Assignments for the grading scale).



1. Follow the directions on Desmos Activity - Guess My Rule (see attached)
2. Follow the directions on Khan Academy - 6.4 Practice Problems (see attached)
3. Be ready to take a 6.4 Check For Understanding assignment tomorrow. It will be available from 8am to 3pm, and you are only allowed 30 minutes to take it. 
*Notice the 8R Online Instruction - List of Assignments (see attached) for information on binder pages and how everything is graded.



Classwork and homework for 3/18/20:
1. Follow this link to complete 6.1-6.3 Check for Understanding. Once you click on the link, you must sign in to Microsoft 365. You will only have 30 minutes to complete these 10 questions. Keep track of your time. Ms. Ross will be able to see how long it takes you to complete this assignment, and if it take you longer, you will lose points (This assignment is like a pop quiz. The work you do on this assignment must only be your own. See the 8R Online Instruction - List of Assignments for the grading scale). 
2. Print and complete 6.4 Puzzle Time (see attached below). When you are finished, use your answers to each question to submit the related assignment here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeSPpABGPDK1Akk1lLt57YGhUNzhLNEZTU0RHTlQ1MFlMTko2RTZPRTZDUC4u
Please do not scan and email your worksheet to Ms. Ross.
3. Use the HW 3-16-20 Answer Sheet (attached below) to check and correct your answers to that assignment.
*see the 8R Online Instruction - List of Assignments for binder page numbers and grading methods*



Classwork and homework for 3/17/20
1. Classwork: complete 8R 6.4 Linear Functions Video Handout (see attachment below). See "Directions - how to find videos on BigIdeasMath" for how to access the videos.
2. Classwork: complete 8R 6.4 Linear Functions Independent Practice (see attachment below). Only check your answers after you complete all the problems on your own. 
3. Homework: TB270 #4-14 even, 19-21 (submit online). - Notice that you must earn 70% or higher to receive full credit. If you earn less than 70%, Ms. Ross will send the assignment back to you to resubmit. 
*Notice the extra attachment that includes the list of assignments, binder pages, and how everything will be graded



Work on 6.1 to 6.3 Review on your own sheets of paper (see attachment below)



HW: TB261 #3-11, 23 (submit online)



HW: TB253 #4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 32, 39-42 (submit online)




1.TB246 #1-12, 19-22 (submit online)

2.Print Table of Contents

3.Print Warm Up

4.Print blank flash cards