MiralesteIntermediate School

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Current academic research shows that regular attendance is closely associated with good scholarship and citizenship. Nothing can replace the learning and experiences that take place inside the classroom; therefore, it is important that students attend class every day.


In those instances, when students must be absent, parents are required to call the attendance clerk at (310) 732-0900 ext: 34500 to report a student absent or email Nanette Babich at [email protected]


If a parent has not verified the student’s absence by phone or email, the student must bring a note that is signed and dated by the parent.


Failure to verify an absence within 72 hours will result in an unexcused absence.


EXCUSED ABSENCES - are defined as absences verified by a parent resulting from:

  •      Illness or injury
  •      Medical or dental appointments (however, these should be scheduled before

           or after school hours whenever possible)

  •      Quarantine
  •      Bereavement/Funeral Service
  •      Religious Holidays/Retreats
  •      Cultural Event
  •      Legal Appointments
  •      Visit Active Duty Family Member
  •      Court Visit


Per School Board Policy 6154 and Administrative Resolution 6154: Students who are absent from school because of an excused or unexcused absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. Students who are absent from school because of illness, injury, or for any other reason deemed an excused or unexcused absence are entitled to make up all work without penalty.  In all such cases, it is the responsibility of the student to consult with the teacher regarding the assignments to be made up and any tests or examinations that need to be taken. Students and teachers shall determine a mutually agreeable due date for make-up work.

2. Other Provisions

a. Students shall not be expected to take tests on the day of a return from illness, injury or family bereavement and should be allowed at least as many days as the student was absent to make up the work missed/required.

b. Arrangements for makeup work by students being released from class to participate in field trips or other school-sponsored activities must be made in advance with the teacher.



  •      Family Vacations/Trips    
  •      Truancy
  •      Class cut
  •      Car problems
  •      Over-sleeping
  •      Off campus lunch
  •      Traffic

Students with unexcused absences are not afforded make-up privileges except when special arrangements have been made with the teacher(s).



Students must be on time for each class. A student is tardy if not in the assigned seat when the tardy bell begins to ring at 8:15 am. A student is truant if ten minutes late to any period without a valid excuse. Repeated tardiness will affect a student's citizenship grade. The third and all subsequent tardies may result in lowering the citizenship grade in class and being assigned campus beautification. If a student arrives late to school, he/she must sign in at the Attendance Office before going to class.



Students who participate in High School morning classes, must sign in at the Attendance Office upon arrival to school. As first period may be in session, these students should report to the library. They may also report to the Student Center with permission. 



If a parent or guardian must pick up their student prior to dismissal, they are required to come to the Attendance Office and sign the student out. A parent can arrange to have their student meet them at the Attendance Office at a pre-determined time by calling the Attendance Clerk, Nanette Babich at ext. 34211.  ISPE Students must come to the Attendance Office and sign out daily prior to attending ISPE.  



PVPUSD operates a program of Independent Study for students who are unable to attend in-person regularly assigned classes. Short-term programs begin at three (3) consecutive days and are limited to 14 cumulative days in a calendar year of non in-person class attendance. Short-term programs must meet Board Policy and be approved and signed by school site administration. Documents must be signed within 10 school days of the first day of the contract. Long-term programs begin after 14 days of Short-term program utilized or if program needs exceed 14 days. Long-term contracts must meet Board Policy and be pre-approved by Educational Services. Student must be able to meet with the district monitoring teacher throughout the duration of the contract. Documents must be signed PRIOR to the first day of the contract. Independent Program Requests can be made through the Miraleste Attendance Office by calling 310-732-0900 ext. 34211.


For detailed information regarding attendance accounting procedures please visit the PVPUSD Attendance Educational Services.