AVID 7th Grade Application Application process:Tuesday, 2/25 – Informational meeting for students who are eligible for participation in AVIDTuesday, 2/25 @ 5:00 pm in the Ridgecrest MPR – AVID Recruitment Family Informational MeetingFriday, 3/14 – Students turn in a completed applicationFriday, 3/14 – Teachers submit recommendation formMonday 3/17 and Tuesday 3/18 – Student interviews for submitted applications during the regular school day (AVID Acceptance by Friday, 3/28)
Help MIS Replenish our Emergency Preparedness Items Please consider helping PTSA fulfill, replenish and add to the Miraleste Intermediate School First Aid, Emergency Preparedness and Search and Rescue items. Anything is very much appreciated. Please find the Amazon Wish List attached.
All Welcome! Homework Club HW Club Tuesday-Thursday each week from 3-4pm. This is a safe space oncampus for students to do homework or get together in study groups.Open to all Miraleste students after school.
8th Grade Disneyland Trip- Monday, June 2nd There will be many fun ways our 8th graders are going to celebrate their final year at Miraleste, and one of them is the 8th Grade School Day at Disneyland on Monday, June 2nd.