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Study Skills MT (Period 6) Assignments

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Classwork 6-5-20

All assignments have been posted to Aeries.
1. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
2. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
3. The last day to turn in any work and let Ms. Ross know on TEAMS is TODAY by 3pm. 


Classwork 6-4-20

  1. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
  2. If you retake or resubmit any assignments, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS.
  3. The last day to turn in any work (on-time work, late work, or make-up work) is this Friday, June 5, 2020.


Classwork 6-3-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Equations and inequalities introduction: Unit Test


Classwork 6-2-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Equations and inequalities introduction: Quiz 4


Classwork 6-1-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Dependent and independent variables review


Classwork 5-29-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Dependent & independent variables: equation (video)
    2. Relationships between quantities in equations and graphs (exercise)


Classwork 5-28-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Match equations to coordinates on a graph (exer)


Classwork 5-27-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Dependent and Independent Variables: graphing (video)
    2. Tables From Equations With 2 Variables (exercise)


Classwork 5-26-20

1. Check if you have any missing assignments on Aeries.
2. If completed a Khan Academy exercise or quiz and earned 0%, you must retake it.
3. If you retake or submit any late work, message Ms. Ross on TEAMS so she knows to re-check your work. Tell her what the assignment is called on Aeries.


Classwork 5-22-20

  1. Same assignment as yesterday: Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Dependent and Independent Variables (video)
    2. Independent vs dependent variables (exercise)


Classwork 5-21-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Dependent and Independent Variables (video)
    2. Independent vs dependent variables (exercise)


Classwork 5-20-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Equations & inequalities introduction: Quiz 3


Classwork 5-19-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Graphing Inequalities Review (article)


Classwork 5-18-20

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.


**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork today 😊**


Classwork 5-15-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Inequalities from graph (exercise)
    2. Plotting inequalities (exercise)


Classwork 5-14-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Inequalities from graph (exercise)
    2. Plotting inequalities (exercise)


Classwork 5-13-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Plotting Inequalities (video)
    2. Plotting an Inequality Example (video)
    3. Graphing basic inequalities (exercise)


Classwork 5-12-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Testing Solutions to Inequalities (video)
    2. Testing Solutions to Inequalities (basic) (exercise)


Classwork 5-11-20

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.


**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork today 😊**


Classwork 5-8-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lesson:
    1. Equations and inequalities introduction: Quiz 2


Classwork 5-7-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lesson:
    1. Model with one step equations (exercise)
    2. Model with one step equations and solve (exercise)


Classwork 5-6-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lesson:
    1. Modeling with one-step equations (video)
    2. Translate one-step equations and solve (exercise)


Classwork 5-5-20

  1. Watch “How to direct message on TEAMS” video (link below)

Link: https://pvpusd-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/rossm_pvpusd_net/EWtnhKwPmPVHkdx4urxGROQBAfiX0jmptE9eV6Mx6VXvew?e=xs6Ua8

  1. Check your grades on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments, make them up and message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you resubmit or turn in any late work.

**If you do not have any missing assignments, you have no classwork or homework today 😊


Classwork 5-4-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Finding mistakes in one-step equations (video)
    2. Finding mistakes in one-step equations (article)
    3. Finding mistakes in one-step equations (exercise)


Classwork 5-1-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. Equations and inequalities introduction: Quiz 1


Classwork 4-30-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. One step multiplication and division equations: fractions and decimals (video)
    2. One step multiplication and division equations: fractions and decimals (exercise)


Classwork 4-29-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. One step multiplication and division equations (exercises)  


Classwork and HW 4-28-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. One step multiplication equations (video)
    2. One step multiplication and division equations (article)  


Classwork 4/27/20

Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lesson: one step division equations (video)


Classwork 4/24/20

  1. Check your scores on Aeries and make up any assignments that are missing or ones where you earned under 75%. Message Ms. Ross on TEAMS if you make up any assignments.  


Classwork 4-23-20

  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. One-step addition and subtraction equations: fractions and decimals (video)
    2. One-step addition and subtraction equations: fractions and decimals (exercise)



  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons: one-step addition and subtraction equations (exercise)



  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the following lessons:
    1. One-step addition and subtracting equations (video)
    2. One-step subtraction equations (video)
    3. One-step addition and subtraction equations (article)



  1. Log into Khan Academy and check if you have to redo any assignments. If you earned under 75% on any, Ms. Ross reassigned them to you. If you do not have any re-assigned to you, you have no classwork for today.



Check your grade on Aeries. If you have any missing assignments or 0s, make them up and message Ms. Ross on Teams when you have completed any assignment. That way, she will know to update your grade.



Log into Khan Academy and complete the following assignments:
1. Identify equations from visual models (hangar diagrams)
2. Solve equations from visual models 



Log into Khan Academy and complete the lessons:
a. One step equations intuition
b. Identify equations from visual models (tape diagrams)



Log into Khan Academy and complete the lessons:
    1. Same thing to both sides of an equation
    2. Representing a relationship with an equation
    3. Dividing both sides of an equation



  1. Log into Khan Academy and complete the lesson: Testing solutions to equations (exercise)



Check Aeries to see if you have any missing assignments. Make up the assignments and send Ms. Ross a direct message on TEAMS telling her what you made up.



Log into Khan Academy and complete today’s two lessons:
    1. Testing solutions to equations
    2. Intro to equations



Log into Khan Academy and complete today’s two lessons:

Variables, Expressions, and Equations (video)

Identify equations, expressions, and inequalities (exercise)



  1. Look over the Teams Online Live Help Schedule (attached below)
  2. Create a Khan Academy account using the link Ms. Ross posted in Microsoft Teams. Make your username FirstLast and add a number on the end if your name is already taken. For example, Ms. Ross used MeganRoss5
  3. Finish your next lesson on iReady



Int6 Classwork for 3/27/20:

  1. Check your grades on Aeries and cross reference any missing grades with the assignments from the Online Assignments document (attached below). Complete any missing assignments or assignments where you lost points. Email Ms. Ross when you resubmit anything, so she knows to update your grade.
  2. If you did not pass any teacher assigned lessons on iReady, please redo them. Email Ms. Ross once you have redone them, so she knows to update your grade.
  3. Explore and play around with Microsoft Teams. Follow the directions below to access Teams. We may use Teams more when we return from Spring Break.
    1. Log into portal.pvpusd.net
    2. Find the Teams app
    3. Explore the Posts and Assignments tabs



Int6 Classwork for 3/26/20:

  1. Complete the lesson called “Connect Area and Perimeter” on iReady.



Int5 Classwork for 3/24/20 and 3/25/20 (same assignment as yesterday):

  1. Complete the lesson called “Area of Parallelograms, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons” on iReady



Int5 Classwork for 3/24/20 and 3/25/20:

  1. Complete the lesson called “Area of Parallelograms, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons” on iReady by Thursday (3/26/20) at 8am (you can split this assignment into two days).



Classwork for 3/23/20:

  1. Complete the lesson called “Concepts of Area and Perimeter” on iReady



Classwork for 3/20/20:
1. Work on the lesson called Add and Multiply to Find Area on iReady (you should see it when you enter iReady through the portal). 
See the attachment below for how everything is graded



List of assignments for 3/19/20:
1. Click on the link below to complete 3D Solids - Int6 (use scratch paper to help you find area)
2. Work on the lesson called Nets and Surface Area on iReady. When you login to the math section, it should show up for you to click on. 
*See Int6 Online Instruction - List of Assignments for information on how everything is graded.



Classwork for 3/18/20
1. Complete times table practice for 7, 8, and 9 (see Int6 - Directions for Online Times Tables attachment)
2. Work on iReady for 40 minutes



Classwork for 3/17/20: 
1. Complete the Microsoft 365 Assignment - Area of Rectangles and Triangles - Int6
2. Work on iReady for 35 minutes. (Remember you will probably only be able to access iReady between 8am and 3pm)
**Notice the extra attachment below that lists the assignments and how they will be graded**



Classwork for 3/16/20: see attachment below.
**Notice the extra attachment below that lists the assignments and how they will be graded**

