Welcome Back!!!! I guess???

Hey Gang!!
Welcome "back" to class!  Although, you are still in you house, probably watching Netflix and eating ice cream out of the container.  No? That's just me?  Okay, whatever.
Anyways, below is some very important information.  Please read it.
  1. Spring Research Project
    • If you are still working on them because you have found it difficult to find sources, then follow these new guidelines for the number of sources required.  You can find and use more, but you need at least five sources.
      • 1 Book Source (You can use your textbook to describe the Italian Renaissance and/or Northern Renaissance)
      • 2 Online Sources (try to find reliable sources, Biography and History are okay, but you can really dig deep and find scholarly articles through college and university sites)
      • 1 Encyclopedia Source (This can be online as well but you cannot count an online encyclopedia as both and encyclopedia and online source)
      • 1 Other Source (video, song, painting, or addition source mentioned above.)
  2. Due Dates
    • Please attention to the due dates as I am beginning to enter work into Aeries.  Late work will be accepted, but I have extended due dates already so you should have plenty of time to finish your work.
    • Missing work will yield NO POINTS.
  3. Zoom Meetings
    • There are two meetings scheduled this week.  Please attend if you can and are allowed to do so.  * This schedule could change.
  4. Attendance
    • You do NOT have to attend the Zoom Meetings to be counted as present in class.  There are other methods of participating in class.
    • Attendance will be taken weekly via any of the following ways: Work Submitted, Zoom Meetings, Team Discussions.  If you do any of these things, then you are present for the week.
  5. Microsoft Teams
    • Since it seems that we are going to be interacting online for the foreseeable future, I am going to be shifting the class to the Teams Page.  This means that assignments will be given and collected in this location.  Please make this shift with me, to streamline the class and make it easier on all of us. 
I am sure there are more things I need to point out but we have time.
Later Skaters!!
Mr. Hernandez