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Automation and Robotics (Period 1) Assignments

Mr. Campbell Nimick
2019-2020 Trimester 3
Students trace the development, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics® platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as traffic lights, toll booths, and robotic arms. 

Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments


Getting the Rover in Spec for the Competition - Last Assignment

Getting the Rover in Spec for the Competition - Last Assignment

Due June 5, 2020 3:00 PM


Your last item is to get your Rover in Spec and challenge for a Top 10 spot. Please watch the video on how to add the code and enter the competition in spec. Next week is the last week and an excellent opportunity to go back and make up any missing work. Please look at your grade in Aeries. If you have any 0 scores...go back and complete the late work. All late work accepted up to Friday 5:00 pm

Reference materials


Student work



20 points p


Last Academic Week informatio

Last Academic Week information

Due June 5, 2020 11:59 PM


Short video with information for the last week. 


The following is the grade policy for the STEM for the 3rd trimester. Please check your grade on aeries. Make up assignments will be collected until June 5th. If you wish to redo an assignment to improve your grade. Please contact me directly. 


A = 90-150%

B = 80 -89.99%

C = 70-79.99%

Cr =50 -69.99%

NC- 0-49.99%

NM - Agreement with teacher based in individual situation.


Running the Rover 2.0

Running the Rover 2.0

Due tomorrow at 11:59 PM


Watch the video on how to program your ROVER 2.0 and get on the board against Ridgecrest.

Reference materials



Rover 2.0 - Getting the Robot Moving

Rover 2.0 - Getting the Robot Moving

Due May 26, 2020 11:59 PM


Quick minimum day Video on how to get your Rover on the Move..


Whitebox Learning VB#4



Please watch the video and take the VB#4 quiz.  Read carefully

Reference materials

Whitebox Learning Link





Whitebox Learning VB#3



Please watch the video and take the VB#3 quiz.  Read carefully

Reference materials

Whitebox Learning Link




Student work


Whitebox Learning VB#2

Due today at 11:59 PM


Please watch the video and take the VB#2 quiz.  Read carefully


Whitebox Learning VB#1

Due yesterday at 11:59 PM


Please watch the video and take the VB#1 quiz.  Read carefully


Whitebox Learning - Rover 2.0

Whitebox Learning - Rover 2.0

Due May 15, 2020 3:00 PM


You will be using a new online program called Whitebox Learning and you will be designing and coding your own Mars Rover.

As an robotics engineer, your challenge is to build and program an autonomous rover to successfully travel from the start position to the target position while avoiding obstacles. While your first objective should be to simply complete the race, you will also be competing with other students. Once you have successfully completed the course, your should look for shorter paths to get to the finish position even faster.

This is an online program that will require you to follow steps and learn arduino programming. Today you will need to log on using the individual code that you will get in TEAMS..in the returns for this assignment.  

Go to the Whitebox Learning Link in Resources. 

Select Rover 2.0 

In the Student ID - enter the number you have been sent.

The Group number is 16BA 


Read the Engineering Design Process and the Background. Watch the introduction video that is attached.


Coordinate Numbers (last code challenge)


Playground: Number Grid Map 


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to move to the coordinates (-500mm, 700mm).  Mark the number with the PEN

Level 2: Look at the following pairs of coordinates. Estimate which number the VR Robot will touch after traveling to these coordinates in sequence. Use the position of block to move the VR Robot to check your answer and mark off with the PEN.

(-300mm, -900mm)

(700mm, 700mm) 

(-100mm, 900mm)

(500mm, -300mm) 

Video Help for Co-Ordinate Challenge


Draw Your Initials

Playground: Art Canvas


Level 1: Create an algorithm for each letter of your initials. Use the Pen on the VR Robot to draw those letters onto the Art Canvas. 

Bonus 1 - Level 2: Create an algorithm for each letter of your first name. Use the Pen on the VR Robot to draw those letters onto the Art Canvas.

Bonus 2  -Level 3: Create a project where the VR Robot writes out your first and last name. 


Helpful Hints: 

Nothing new here just standard code.-- Happy Monday.

Each square in the Art Canvas measures 20mm by 20mm.

Select the Top Camera on the VEXcode VR Dashboard for a better view of the Art Canvas. 

Use the Set Pen position block from the Looks category to move the up and down. 



Cross off the Number

Cross off the number

Due today at 11:59 PM


Cross Every Number

Playground: Numbered Grid Map

Challenges: Watch the video for help!

Level 1: Program the VR Robot to cross off each number from 1-100 in any order. Use the Pen to mark each number as the VR Robot passes through. 

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to cross off each number from 1-100 in numerical order. Use the Pen to mark each number as the VR Robot passes through. 

Bonus -Level 3: Program the VR Robot to cross off each number from 1-100 in alternating colors. Use the Pen to mark each odd number red and each even number blue as the VR Robot passes through. 


Castle Color Match

Playground: Disk Transport


Level 1: Using the electromagnet, pick up and place one disk of each color inside the correct colored goals located outside the Castle walls.

Bonus - Level 2: Using the electromagnet, pick up and place all four disks of each color inside the correct colored goals located outside the Castle walls.

Bonus -Level 3: Using the electromagnet, pick up and place three disks of each color inside each colored goal, then hide the remaining 3 disks behind the wall around the Castle!

Helpful Hint: 

  • The electromagnet can only pick up one disk at a time.
  • Each square in the Disk Transport measures 200mm by 200mm
  • The disks are placed in the center of each grid square, however the electromagnet is at the front of the robot. Adjust your drivetrain values appropriately!
  • Pick up and drop disks using the "boost" and “drop” settings on the energize magnet block from the Magnet category.


Disc maze

Playground: Disc Maze


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to move through the Disk Maze from Start to Finish using the Front Eye Sensor to detect the disk colors. Detect at least 5 disk colors before moving to the finish. The green square is the starting point, and the red disk is the finish.

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to move through the Disk Maze from Start to Finish using the Down Eye Sensor to detect the floor colors. 

This one is challenging..Video help attached



10 points


Roomba - Robotics Vacuum

Robotic Vacuum

Playground: Art Canvas


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to move like a robotic vacuum. Use the Distance sensing blocks to program the VR Robot to turn or drive in reverse when it senses the walls of the Playground.  It should move around and sense all four walls of the Playground. 

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to move using a variable to set the threshold for the distance sensor. Use the Set variable block

Bonus - Level 3: Try to vacuum the whole table! Use Random blocks to change how much the VR Robot turns when it senses a wall. See if you can program it to move over the entire table. Trace your path using the Pen, and watch it go!

Video below later today.



Draw a Triangle with Gyro

Playground: Art Canvas


Level 1: Use the Gyro Sensor and the Pen to draw a triangle.

Level 2: Use the Gyro Sensor and the Pen to draw a right triangle (one angle of the triangle must be 90°)

Level 3: Use the Gyro Sensor and the Pen to draw a right triangle (one angle of the triangle must be 90° with a secondary angle at 60°). 



Robot Dance Party

Playground: Grid Map


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to turn, move forward, move backward, and spin. Play a song from your music collection, and have the VR Robot dance along.

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to do the following dance. Include a pause between each dance move. Try your dance in real life as the VR Robot runs the project!

Spin 3 Times.

Step to the Right.

Step to the Left.

Freestyle! (add 2 additional moves of your choice)

Level 3: Program a dance routine for your VR Robot. Include at least 3 turns and 3 drive commands. Use loops to repeat a section of the dance. Play a song from your music collection and have your VR Robot dance along with the music. 

Since you cannot attach the music please rename your program before you turn in ..for example Bustamove 



Playground: Grid Map


Level 1: Draw a 4 sided object using the Pen on the VR Robot. Find the perimeter of your object using a pencil and paper. 

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to draw an object with 8 sides using the Pen. The perimeter of the object must be 1600mm. All sides should be the same length. Use a pencil and paper to plan out your object before beginning the programming. Remember that an Octagon has 8 sides and 45 degrees on the angles.

Bonus Level 3: Draw a large square with a perimeter of 6400mm. Then, draw a shape using a different pen color inside the square that has a larger perimeter than the outside square.



Draw a House

Playground: Art Canvas


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to draw a house on the Art Canvas using the Pen block. Use a square for the house and triangle for the roof. The shapes do not have to be perfect. 

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to add a garage to the side of the house. Use the Set pen color block to make the color of the garage different from the house. 

Level 3: Decorate your house by adding windows, a door, a chimney, or other decorations. Be Creative! 

Helpful Hints: 




Number Maze

Playground: Wall Maze


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to move through the maze from Start (green square) to Finish (checkered square).

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to move through the maze stopping on each of the numbers in order (1, 2, 3, 4) and then traveling to Finish. The VR Robot should stop on each number for 2 seconds. 

Level 3 Bonus: Try it in reverse! Program the VR Robot to move from Start, to 4, 3, 2, 1, then Finish. The VR Robot should stop on each number for 2 seconds.

Helpful Hint: 

  • Try using the Drive for block from the Drivetrain category. This block moves the Drivetrain for a given distance. 

Go to the VEX VR     https://vr.vex.com/
Select Playground
Select Wall Maze
Under activities select Number Maze
When you complete the each Level use the Share button to save a copy to your downloads and then TURN IN on Microsoft Teams by attaching. If you cannot Share..take a picture and upload. 
Tip Video to follow..see below.
3 parts ..this is time consuming and needs patience. 
Part 1- Standard Maze
Part 2 - Stop at Numbers
Part 3 Stop at Numbers in reverse - Bonus.



Your coding challenge today is Find my Age on the playground number grid.

go to  https://vr.vex.com/

Select Playgound and change to the number grid. In activities select FIND MY AGE and code your robot. Upload in Microsoft TEAMS assignments TURN IN

Level 1: Program the VR Robot to drive to your age as of today. 

Level 2: Program the VR Robot to drive to your age as of today. Then have the VR Robot drive to your age in the year 2035. 

Level 3: Program the VR Robot to drive and mark your birthday. 

Helpful Hints: 

Use the Set Pen color block from the Looks category to select a pen color when marking numbers. 

Each square in the Numbered Grid Map measures 200mm by 200mm.

Watch the Video below for TIPs on Level 3

Upload each Level by using the Turn In feature on assignment



Today your robot will run some sprints- Basketball Drills

Return to VEXcode VR and code this basketball drill. 

Please go to the link

Playground: Grid Map


Level 1: Program the VR Robot to drive forward 1 grid square. Next, program the VR robot to drive reverse to the beginning point. Continue this pattern for 2 grid squares, then 4 grid squares.


Level 2: Program the VR Robot to drive forward 1 grid square, stop, and return back 1 grid square to where the VR Robot started without using the reverse block. The VR Robot will need to turn around to drive back to the first position. Continue this pattern for 2 grid squares, then 4 grid squares.

Use the share button to download a copy and upload to the Microsoft teams assignment page. 

Level 3: Build an algorithm (a process or set of rules) to move through all 1 to 8 grid squares in sequential order. The VR Robot should move to 1, go back to start, move to 2, go back to start. Continue this pattern for all 8 grid squares. CAN YOU USE A REPEAT BLOCK

             Use the share button to download a copy and upload to the Microsoft teams assignment page. 

Video assistance will be later today.





Welcome back from Spring Break!.
The good news is that we have a new virtual programming site to work with that will allow everyone to be able to program a virtual VEX robot. 
Please go to the link
Today we will be doing the VEX Playground activity called Distance Drive. Please see the video on the Microsoft Teams page or Edlio. Follow the instructions and then upload the assignment for review and credit of your code. 
Your robot will
#1 Drive forward 3 squares.
#2 Drive forward 3 squares and reverse 3 squares
#3 Drive around a 3 x 3 square
#4 Drive around the perimeter of the playground grid.
Please upload item #4 for 10 points.
Use the share button to download a copy and upload to the Microsoft teams assignment page. 



This is a multi day online coding exercise that allows students to code a VEX robot and learn coding. Watch the Screencast video for information on how to code and the links required for each excercise.

Today 3/20 Just follow the link and read the information regarding the mimic and the sensors for VEX SDR system. These are the same pieces of equipment we would be building with in class.

3/23 Please watch the video --scroll down and click play.

Please attempt to code the first and second assignment.
#1 Have the robot back up 24" after it has touched the wall and turn on red LED.
#2 Turn on the LED's on going straight, Only green LED is on going Left, and the red LED is on turning right.
Continue with the RobotMesh Link and attempt the coding until you reach the MAZE Running with a Robot. Stop at this point.
Link to RobotMesh




What do we use Robots for?
Finish your Powerpoint presentation on What Do We Use Robots For? Check with your teammates to make sure that they have finished.
Watch the Video #1 and Upload the Powerpoint. Please upload on Monday!
Go to the SharePoint and watch the videos on different Robots. We should have 10 presentations. Most will be uploaded on Monday. Please watch on Tuesday.
Watch Video #2 about answering the 3 questions on the attached document or in the sharepoint and uploading the doc to the shared Folder for Automation and Robotics. Please name your file with your name. Due on Wednesday.
Your will be graded on the Presentation 30 point and the Questions 15 points. Share your questions to this link.