MiralesteIntermediate School

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Science 7

Ms. Tagger
2017-18 Trimester 1
2017-18 Trimester 2
2017-18 Trimester 3

Assignment Calendar

Course Description


Agenda 10-17 to 10-23

Group project should be complete by 10/23.  You will present with your group according to the following schedule:
Tuesday - Group 1, 2, 3
Wednesday - Group 4, 5, 6
Thursday - Group 7, 8, 9
* 5 points EXTRA CREDIT for professional Dress the day of your presentation.

3d cell assignment sheet 2017

This project will be due Friday 10/27/17. Sample projects are displayed in class at the front tables.  Please feel free to check them out and ask questions. 
Group work? Working with a partner is a great idea, but it is not required.  Feel free to work with a student from any period.  If you choose to work with someone, you both MUST turn in your own cell.  They can be very similar (same materials), but you must produce your own!
Do I need to buy materials? Not necessarily.  You can use materials that you already have at home, such as bottle caps, shoe string, pasta, shoe box, tennis balls ...
Can I use flat paper to represent an organelle? No! The entire cell should be made of 3-Dimentional material.
What is the difference between a simple cell model and cell analogy model? A simple cell model is creating a replica of an actual plant or animal cell.  If you choose to create a cell analogy, you will create a model of whatever analogy you create in class Friday 10/13.  If you would like to see examples of cell analogies please check out the following website: https://mrsbambury.weebly.com/cell-analogy-projects.html
Can I pick which cell I would like to create (Plant or Animal)? Yes! You may complete a model of a plant or animal cell. Please remember that you can earn up to 10 points EXTRA CREDIT if you decide to do both.
When can I turn it in?  I will not take any projects until the week of October 23 - 27th.  Although the project is due Oct. 27th you may turn it in Oct. 23 - 26th for 10 points EXTRA CREDIT.
Please email Ms. Tagger if you have any questions. 


Homework:4.2 Section Review

Directions: Read page 120 – 127 and answer questions # 1 – 9 due Friday 10/13


* If you did not finish writing you 10 complete sentences from the video last week Thursday please click the following link. Due Friday 10/13

Classwork: Cell Organelle Video

Watch the video and write 10 things you learned


Unit 1 Resource Packet

Parents and Students,
I have attached the Unit 1 resource packet for you convenience.  We have a copy of this document in our portfolio, so you will not need to bring one to class.  As always, please let me know if you have questions, comments, or concerns. 
Ms. Tagger



If you have not done research for Thursdays do now, please do so by Thursday.


Do Now: Writing – Most Influential Scientist Part 1

Directions: Answer the 7 questions you came up with last week as if you were the famous scientist you selected. If you need to do some research please work on it at home before next week, Thursday.

Greatest Scientist of All Time

Scenario: You have the opportunity to travel in a time machine into any past era of history. Choose a date and place to meet the person who, in your opinion, has made the greatest contribution to science. Write out the interview questions (We did this last week) you will ask this scientist and document his or her answers. You will publish your interview when you return to the present.


You will have 10 minutes!


Not sure what scientist to pick? Here are some options: http://www.adherents.com/people/100_scientists.html




Do Now: CLT - game


Do Now: CLT - game

- Go to the game: http://www.math4childrenplus.com/living-things/

Turn off the sound on your computer!

- Only select one team

- Do not print the certificate, just write down your score

- After you play the game please write down your score out of 10 points

I earned ____/out of 10 points on the characteristics of living things game.

We will have our next grade check Friday 9/22.  Please be sure to see Ms. Tagger before(7:30) or after (until 3:30) school if you need help organizing your notebook. 

Edlio Memo 9-12-17

Please see attached memo for important information regarding Fridays grade check.  We will do class grade checks weekly, and all late classwork and do now's must be turned in by the "Tagger check" date for credit (Friday 9/15, and every two weeks after that). Any assignments that we have completed the first three weeks of school will need to be completed and in your notebook by Friday (no late homework). Please feel free to come and copy my notebook in the morning (any time after 7:30) or after school.
-Ms. Tagger

Homework due 9/15

Title:  Homework: 1.5 section review

Directions: Read section 1.5 in textbook (p. 32 – 37) and answer questions # 1 – 7 in complete sentences.

Don’t forget to update your table of contents then write the title and date on your paper.

Remind invite_2017-18

If you would like Edlio updates to your phone with the ability to respond, please sign up for the Remind system.  The website requires participants to be at least 13 years of age.  It is your choice to allow or not allow your child to sign up. I will post the same memos on Edlio and remind.
Ms. Tagger